Philosophy & Logo of Budoshin Ju-Jitsu

Philosophy of Budoshin Ju-Jitsu
[Excerpted from the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Student Handbook]

Ju-Jitsu (the Gentle Art) is among the most effective and potentially destructive martial arts.  It is the basis for many of the more modern martial arts.  A student proficient in the art of Ju-Jitsu has studied techniques that are a combination of Judo (throws and leverage), Karate (striking and kicking), Aikido (nerves, pressure points, attacker momentum, “ki”), and certain aspects of Kendo (sword fighting) as well as other martial arts.  A student proficient in Ju-Jitsu has the choice of causing his attacker to sense severe pain without any actual injury taking place or cause severe incapacitating injury if necessary. 

As a working knowledge of ju-jitsu, particularly Budoshin Ju-Jitsu, will provide you with this potential, your sensei also has a responsibility to help you develop your sense of character around three values essential to a martial artist: integrity, humility and respect, summarized briefly below.


Integrity can be defined as your reputation; how you see yourself and, more importantly, how other people see you. Are you trustworthy? Are you reliable? Do you deal honestly with yourself and others? Do you have a code of conduct [how you treat yourself and others] that other people will respect you for and seek to follow you and or your ideals or example? All of these things combine to create your self-image and your sense of integrity. They are based on your sense of respect and humility.


Humility is your ability to be humble while maintaining your integrity. You do not need to be boastful or tell people how wonderful you are or how much you know or what you can do. Although you may be quite knowledgeable or competent, it is for others to discover through your behavior and your actions. It is your ability to sincerely apologize when you have erred and help others who are in need without expecting thanks or compensation. Humility is based upon your sense of integrity and respect for yourself and others.


Respect is your perception of yourself and how others perceive you. It is how you treat others and they treat you. It is about how you would like to be treated by other people. If others see that you respect yourself [you have integrity and humility] then they will respect you. Respect is never something you can innately expect from others. It is something that must be earned and maintained by maintaining your sense of integrity and humility.

All three of these, integrity, humility and respect are intertwined with each other. The success of one is dependent upon the success of the other two. If you develop one successfully you will have also successfully developed the other two.

All three of these values are at least as important as the technical and self-defense skills you will learn as a student of ju-jitsu, or any martial art. Because with the effective knowledge of a martial art comes responsibility. By conducting yourself in a respectful manner with integrity and humility, you will serve as an example to others, you will not abuse your martial arts knowledge, and other people will see you as the credible person that you are.  

By making these three values part of your life-philosophy you will also be a happier, more accepting and more successful person in your life because you will have developed an inner sense of confidence that doesn’t have to be proven.

You should also be aware that because of the potential of serious injury you, the serious Ju-Jitsu student, also accept a philosophy of non-violence; that a physical confrontation should be avoided whenever possible.  You must adopt an attitude of self-respect combined with humbleness and confidence combined with restraint.  You must also build up a great deal of patience, understanding, and tolerance of others.  You must develop a great deal of self-control.  You must be able to bend like the willow.  All of these help you become a better person and, at the same time, help you avoid unnecessary confrontations.  You will develop an inner peace and confidence that will allow this to happen.  Patience is key.

As a properly trained student you will do everything possible to avoid a physical confrontation, not only because you know that such a confrontation is pointless, but because you know that you have a better than average chance of successfully defending yourself (therefore making such a conflict unnecessary).  You will also avoid a physical confrontation because it is philosophically degrading as it indicates that all other means of avoidance have failed.

If it is necessary to use Ju-Jitsu against an attacker you are expected to use self-restraint and good judgment.  You may only use your knowledge to protect yourself from harm and remove yourself from the situation.

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  The Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Logo

The Budoshin Ju-Jitsu logo [a registered trademark] was designed with the philosophy of the art in mind rather than just the physical aspects. "Budoshin" means to conduct oneself in an honorable & respectable manner. The symbolism of the logo should help you along this path. The information below is a summary of the symbolism of the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu logo.

The four colors on the colored logo represent traditional concepts: WHITE— purity & truth; BLACK— death; RED— life; BLUE— serenity & peace.

The first design [red] symbolizes the five spiral steps of learning: patience, repetition, understanding, experimentation, & evaluation. These five steps form a continuous spiral as the last step leads back to the first while, at the same time not returning to the point of origin because what has been gained from the learning process expands the base from which to learn more. Think of a "slinky" toy if you want to visualize this concept. It also incidentally symbolizes the lotus blossom. The lotus blossom symbolizes the inseparability of cause and effect, the provision and reality, and the source and manifestation of enlightenment.  It helps bring the interrelationships of the Yin-Yang together.

If you wish to be more esoteric it could be said that the five petals of the lotus blossom also represent the five basic elements of gojo-goyoku: earth [chi], air/wind [fu], fire [la], water [sui] and void [ku]. This brings us back full circle [pardon the pun] to the five steps of learning and the circle in the center.

The second design, located in the center, is the Yin-Yang or Tao [Chinese], which represents the duality or interrelationships of good-evil, light-dark, mind-body, male-female, etc.-etc. Within the framework of Ju-Jitsu techniques this symbol also illustrates the circular flow of ki & motion, as well as the flowing nature of the art. This symbol is located in the center of the above spiral & is the center circle created by the spiral.

If you look at the design carefully you will notice a 6th circle created by the spiral for the obvious Yin-Yang symbol. But at a higher level it indicates the concept of the "sixth sense" that martial artists develop — which some call "mushin".

One could write a book about all of the philosophical relationships mentioned, but that's not my purpose here. It is only to help you understand the interrelationship of ideas and how one thing affects another; the infinity of the yin-yang.

The background color of blue, behind the spiral, is to indicate the sky which is indicative of peace and serenity.

You will also notice that there are three rings - or circles in the design - that indicate key elements of the personal philosophy of Budoshin Ju-Jitsu: humility [represented by the outer circle - or circular shape - of the patch], respect [represented by the middle circular border between the white & blue backgrounds], and integrity [the inner circle within which lies the yin-yang]. The relationship of these three circles also establishes and represents the essential relationship between integrity, respect, and humility, a necessary philosophical foundation for any sincere martial artist -- in any art.

The term "Budoshin Ju-Jitsu" was first formally copyrighted in 1973 by George Kirby as a title of the book, Budoshin Ju-Jitsu: Instructor's Manual. "Budoshin Ju-Jitsu" officially became a registered trademark name in 1995. 

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