Cross-Cheek Press Takedown


This technique may be used as a safer alternative to the figure-4 carotid restraint hold. However, you must still use caution with this technique.


This is the figure-4 carotid restraint hold. While it is an extremely effective submission hold, there are numerous risks of injury to the restrained person due to the nature of the technique. These risks must be weighed in deciding whether or not to use this restraint.
The Cross-Cheek Press Takedown is an effective means of removing, subduing or controlling an attacker from behind. Step up behind the attacker, bringing your right forearm up across his right cheekbone and starting to turn his head to your left and against you.
   At the same time your left palm pushes down on the top of his left rear "cheek", placing him off balance. [See balance points in my book  Jujitsu Nerve Techniques]. Sometimes this type of action is called the "concept of opposites".


Change your open hand to a closed fist as your turn his head against your chest.

  Your left hand grabs onto your right fist, pulling it towards you. This should place pressure on the infraorbital nerve [facial buccal branch] , meridan point ST-2, which can be very painful. 
   Bring the attacker down to the ground, holding his head against your chest. You should go down onto your right knee so you can provide proper support against the attacker's back.
   Your left hand reaches down and grabs his left forearm [your palm down] to bring attacker's left arm into an armlock as you . . .

. . . turn the attacker to your left bringing him down onto the ground.

  This pinning portion/movement of the technique is very difficult to do slowly & may seem very awkward if done so. However, for safety reasons go as slowly as possible. As the attacker goes down to the ground your will be able to use his downward momentum to assist in maintaining the hold as you move your right leg over his body to his right side. 
   Moving your right leg over his body allows you to remain on top of him as he goes down onto his stomach. At this point you can release the Cross-Cheek Press and retain control with the armlock. Releasing the Cross-Cheek Press will also allow you to establish a much safer and more comfortable position for yourself and the opponent.



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