BJJY/AJA Membership

There are a variety of 1, 2, or 5 year Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Yudanshakai membership packages listed below ranging from $35 for 1 year to $130 for 5 years. For detailed information on the different types of membership click here.

As a member of the BJJY you will receive the following benefits at no additional charge:

- Student Handbook [as a pdf file] -- occasional updates will be sent to you free

- Kokoro, [the  BJJY Q&A & editorial newsletter] - 12 issues last year, [as .pdf files]

- BJJY membership certificate [sent as a pdf file]

- BJJY promotional certificates below sankyu sent free if requested [sent as a pdf file]

- BJJY promotional certificate sankyu & higher sent at no charge [sent as pdf file]

- Subscription to Budoshin-Online edition specifically for BJJY members

- Budoshin Jujitsu emblem

- Black Belt Handbook when you reach 2nd or 1st kyu [as a pdf file]

- Up to 3 evaluations per year for belt ranks up through Purple Belt [4th kyu]

- Formal testing starting at sankyu [$25/ test set-up fee]

- On-line technical support.

- Online submission of video evaluations for speedier evaluations.

- Easy access to AJA [American Ju-Jitsu Association] newsletter.

- Easy access to AJA certification of rank, sankyu & higher [minimal AJA fees apply]

For more details about BJJY membership click here.


If you purchase any 5-year BJJY membership below you will also receive:

          - All back issues of Kokoro [1994-prior calendar year] as a searchable pdf file [1000+ pages if printed]

          - Any single MP4 video set on



If you need a way to read pdf files please click on image to right to download
your free copy of Acrobat Reader:

Please keep in mind that annual memberships are for 12 months, to either the closest June or December of the ending year . If you have subscribed for annual automatic membership renewal through PayPal your membership will be renewed automatically on the same date every year until you cancel your annual subscription. Membership subcriptions once paid are not refundable.

Test "Set-Up" Fee:
$25 per test set-up for all brown & black belt tests AND cross-certification evaluations. [This fee must be paid EACH time a brown or black belt test or a cross-certification evaluation has to be designed for you. Hopefully you will follow all instructions correctly the first time so you only have to pay 1 set-up fee.] Scroll down to the last row of "Budoshin Jujitsu Membership Choices" to pay the "Set-Up" fee for brown & black belt tests and cross-certification evaluations ONLY!

Certificate Mailing Fee:

Effective June 1, 2017, or previously if new membership rates are posted, there will be a separate mailing fee to have any certificate or document mailed to you other than by the internet. As of this date all certificates or documents can be sent to you via the internet at no charge. To have a certificate or document mailed to you via postal service please scroll down to the "Certificate Mailing Fee" option at the bottom of "Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Membership Choices:" below.










BJJY 1-Year Membership: $40

BJJY Membership with Automatic Annual Renewal: $35
Phone #
[Automatic renewal may be cancelled at any time. Membership subscriptions already paid for the current 12-month membership subscription period are not refundable.] 


BJJY 1-Year [First Year Only] Membership for TWO People: $65

Your Phone:
Partner Name, Email & Phone:

BJJY 2-Year Membership: $65


5 year BJJY Membership: $130/5 years

You may choose from a one-time payment OR a 5-payment option at no additional cost to you.

5-Year One Payment of $130:
Phone #


5-Year FIve Payments of $26 each [total $130]:
Phone #
8-DVD Budoshin Jujitsu Home Study Videos
Includes 1-year & 5-year Membership Option Packages
Puchase Options
Phone #

ORDERS OUTSIDE OF U.S.:  If I can ship by Priority Mail rather than Priority Mail EXPRESS International I will do so and you will receive a partial s&h refund.

8-MP4 Budoshin Jujitsu Home Study Videos
Includes 1-year & 5-year Membership Option Packages
Puchase Options
Phone #

Test "Set-Up" Fee:

$25 per test set-up for all brown & black belt tests AND cross-certification evaluations.

[This fee must be paid EACH time a brown or blck belt test or a cross-certification evaluation has to be designed for you. Hopefully you will follow all instructions correctly the first time so you only have to pay 1 set-up fee.]

FIll in boxes:

Current Rank/Ryu
Phone #


Certificate Mailing Fee:

If you would like an actual "hard copy" certificate mailed to you via postal service you will have to pay for the postage at the rate chosen by you at the right. Once you have paid this fee via PayPal your membership or promotional certificate will be mailed to you by the method and cost you have chosen.

[You will be notified if there is a fee increase.]

If you want your certificate sent to you as a pdf file via the internet there is NO FEE for pdf certificates!

Choose the appropriate postal rate below:
Kind of Certificate:
Phone #
Rank of Certificate?

 If you need a way to read pdf files please click on image to right to download
your free copy of Acrobat Reader:










The AJA membership below is available ONLY to current BJJY members and is for the calendar year [January-December]. ALL BJJY members in the U.S., Sankyu & higher grade, must have an AJA membership. AJA membership is strongly recommended for non-U.S. members as well so that you can secure AJA certificates of rank. Purchase of just an AJA membership  does NOT automatically include an AJA emblem/patch!


The charge for your annual AJA fee on this website is $20 per calendar year [plus s&h]. The AJA Newsletter should be available online for viewing and as a downloadable pdf file by clicking here and then clicking on "AJA Newsletter" at the top of the page.

Choose your AJA membership package
[s&h will be added to your order]:
Choose Your AJA Membership Option:




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