Nidan Kata [2/09]
The 10 kata presented in this segment
are the additional forms a shodan candidate needs to learn for
the kata portion of the nidan test in Budoshin Ju-Jitsu. The
pictures, taken by Jared Wynn, are meant to provide assistance
in understanding the form, not specific step-by-step photos of
how to do each kata. To the right of the pictures is the name of
the technique, its "number" in the Big Book, and my notes on how
to execute the technique. Thanks to Jeff Wynn for putting all of
this together. They were originally presented at the Budoshin
Ju-Jitsu 2007 Summer Camp in Santa Clarita, CA. |
Sandan Kata [2/09]
The 10 kata presented in this segment
are the additional forms a shodan candidate needs to learn for
the kata portion of the sandan test in Budoshin Ju-Jitsu. The
pictures, taken by Jared Wynn, are meant to provide assistance
in understanding the form, not specific step-by-step photos of
how to do each kata. To the right of the pictures is the name of
the technique, its "number" in the Big Book, and my notes on how
to execute the technique. Thanks to Jeff Wynn for putting all of
this together. They were originally presented at the Budoshin
Ju-Jitsu 2007 Summer Camp in Santa Clarita, CA. |
Tai-Otoshi Fixes [2/09]
video 12/10]
Some people are having problems properly setting
their footwork for a Tai-Otoshi. The is a tendency to place their right
foot as much as 1-2 feet behind the right foot of the uke, blocking the
leg just below the knee joint rather than at his ankle. As a result the
right leg locks at the knee joint, thus making the throw very difficult
to execute & placing a high risk of injury to both tori and uke.
This series shows the correct foot placement for the tori's
right & left feet. |
Nozo No Ushiro Nage [2/09]
In some Ju-Jitsu ryu this is a secret technique taught only to
black belts. In Budoshin Ju-Jitsu, and other ryu, it's taught to
white belts because of its simplicity and ease of helping
students learn the concept of self-control and control of their
attackers. it can be a very gentle technique which will only
cause a gag response by the attacker. It can also be a fatal
technique if the "victim" is in fear for their life. So this
technique should be used with a great deal of caution. |
Uki Otoshi
Uki Otoshi is one of the most difficult techniques to learn in
jujitsu, requiring almost a "leap of faith" for lack of a better
term. In the 1970's three of my junior high brown belts came up
with a quick way to help students learn this difficult throw.
Students using this method usually had the throw down after 4-5
repeats of this "supported" approach.
Be sure to look at BOTH
the still pix & description by clicking
Uki Otoshi and the video by clicking this
logo. [Special thanks to Daniel Haigler & his students for
offering the video. |
Mae Yubi Nage
This video fixes a very common problem with
the setup of the ofrward finger throw, or any finger throw for
that matter.
VIDEO: Countering a Sucker-Punch [4/12]
This is a short narrated video taken at Black Belt Publications
on how to effectively counter a sucker-punch, assuming you know
it's coming. |
Basic Hip Throw [Koshin Nage] Fixes 5/12
This short [1 minute 40 second] video shows a lot of common
errors in executing a basic hip throw [koshi nage] and how to
execute such a throw properly. |
Little Finger Figure-4 Brace 7/12
This series of pix presents a clearer view of this technique
originally presented on pp. 171-175 of my book,
Jujitsu Figure-4 Locks. |
Throw & Drop Throw Body Placement 2/13
Lot's of people have problems with setting up hip throws and
drop throws [and their variations] because they think they have
to enter the throw differently based upon the attacker's leg
positions. This video shows how your body placement solves this
problem quite easily and simply. It's not what you do but how
you do it. |

Shioku Waza NOT a Submission Hold 9/13
Many practitioners use this Side Neck Nerve Attack technique as
a standing submission when in fact it's a very quick and
painless "sleeper" technique. Check this YouTube video out on
how to apply this hold correctly, but be careful when applying
pressure. |
Counter for Kicks to Your Side on the Ground 2/14
Getting kicked on the ground is extremely dangerous. Here's a
technique you can use against such an attack. Practice the
technique slowly as doing it full speed can result in extremity
fractures and/or a concussion to the attacker. |
Figure-4 Leg Lock for Rear Body or Rear Waist Grab 5/14
The FIgure-4 Leg Lock is an effective submission on the street.
It should be PRACTICED SLOWLY in the dojo to avoid setting the
hold too fast, which could dislocate and/or separate your uke's
kneecap. Check out this YouTube video. This is a relatively fast
lock to set once you get it down. Maintaining your balance is
key to protecting your uke from injury. |
Tie Your Obi in 4 Easy Steps 10/14
Follow the arrows and directions on these 4 pix of how to tie
your belt properly and be done in a snap. Yes, the belt knot
points to your right! |
Your Gi Pants in 8 Simple Steps
Students come up
with all sorts of inventive ways to tie their pants, many of
which don't keep their pants up. Here's a simple 8-step process
that's simple enough for anyone to follow --- and it works. My
students really appreciate this pictoral instruction page. It
save them from the potential of embarassment in class. |
The Japanese Secret Science Jiu-Jitsu [published 1905] 2/17
I don't know how long this link will be active but you need to
download this great historical resource showing jujitsu
techniques taught to President "Teddy" Roosevelt. Thanks to
Robert Harland for making this resource available. Lots of
"Budoshin Jujitsu" techniques! :) Click on the title to
download the link! |
C-Grip 5/17
The C-Grip is a simple grip which will allow you to set many
holds without letting your opponent know what you're doing until
the hold is set. This 5-minute video by George Kirby shows the
proper way to set up and use the C-grip to transition to other
techniques. Click on the title to go to the YouTube video. |
Headlock Escape into a Shoulderlock Takedown 2012. Reposted
This video, originally produced by blackbeltmag.com, is still on
So I reposted this video with
the YouTube link. |
How to Use Jujitsu Against a Sucker Punch -- a Figure-4
Armbar Takedown & Submission . Reposted 2/19
This video, also produced by blackbeltmag.com shows how to react
to and counter a sucker punch. It also details how to set up a
proper Figure-4 armbar that will work 100% of the time. |
Jujitsu FIgure-4 Locks Interview
Black Belt short 2009 interview of George Kirby with Sarah Dzida
[editor]. This was originally posted by blackbeltmag.com . |
Ura Harai
This short video, taken at Sensei Rick Rorres's dojo in Texas,
shows a reasonable ura harai [rear sweeping hip throw, executed
by two of his students. This was originally posted on YouTube in
2013. |
Self-Defense Foot Stomp for Grab from Behind 2/19
Originally posted by blackbeltmag.com in 2011 this video shows
Sensei Mark Jordan demonstrating a significant variation of a
foot stomp, striking downward on the inside of the ankle.
Note: alljujitsu.com is offline. |
Against a Grab & Punch 2/19
In this video Sensei Mark Jordan demonstrates one response to a
lapel grab and punch, ultimately going into a forward
shoulderlock takedown. Originally posted by Mark Jordan in 2008.
Note: alljujitsu.com is offline. |
Listed below are a number of additional video clips
found on YouTube pertaining to Budoshin Jujitsu. There may be
more that I haven't found yet. Some are good and some I wish
were better. Be leery of anything that says something other than
just "Budoshin Jujitsu".
John Bowman
-10 Brn Belt Tech:
Portion of
Black Belt Test:
Dave Clark
-Mult Tech Flow:
Kirby – Tai Otoshi:
John Bowman
– Sankyu Sequence:
Mark Jordan
– Shoulderlock Takedown:
Mark Jordan
– Defense Against Head Butt:
If you're interested in AJA
Freestyle Kata competition you may want to check out
these YouTube videos. I've also posted a link to the AJA
Freestyle Kata rules. Please keep in mind that it's very
difficult to have a "clean" appearance in freestyle kata as tori
does not know how he/she will be attacked, probably has never
worked out with the uke, and the uke's skill level may vary.
Also keep in mind that the a "core" rule in freestyle kata is
that the tori cannot use excessive force and the uke is not to
resist any techniques.
I will try to post more YouTube links in the future
AJA Freestyle Kata Tournament
AJA Tournament Rules:
www.budoshin.com/AJA TOURNIE RULES.doc