Carotid Artery Press can be an extremely effective means of putting your
opponent out -- quickly. Unfortunately it also poses a high risk of serious
injury or death if not applied properly throughout execution of the hold. |
problem occurs in a street situation where the assailant may be trying to get
away from you or you're not properly balanced as you bring him down while he's
still resisting OR already unconscious. Note the space between the opponent's
back and the defender's front. This space creates injury potential to the
assailant's neck or upper back vertebre [below neck] as they are not being
properly supported. |
properly execute the brace you must maintain close body contact with as much of
his back as possible. This can easily be accomplished by taking a step towards
the attacker as the hold is set. With one leg [thigh] against the back of one of
his legs or against his buttocks, you can remain balanced & in control while
at the same time protecting your assailant from serious injury. This will reduce
the chance of serious injury or death. This is very difficult to do in a street
situation. As a result many law enforcement agencies limit the use of this
"choke" to "life & death" situations. Be sure to release
pressure on your opponent if he is cooperative, becomes unconscious, or any
other medical trauma [e.g., convulsions] occur. You MUST be very careful with
this hold! |