Tai-Otoshi Fixes
Foot Setup for Proper Throw |
Some people are having problems properly setting
their footwork for a Tai-Otoshi. The is a tendency to place their right
foot as much as 1-2 feet behind the right foot of the uke, blocking the
leg just below the knee joint rather than at his ankle. As a result the
right leg locks at the knee joint, thus making the throw very difficult
to execute & placing a high risk of injury to both tori and uke.
This series shows the correct foot placement for the tori's right & left
feet. I am NOT attempting to show the entire sequence for the Tai-Otoshi
-- just foot placement. Thanks to Denny DeLos Reyes for being my uke
any Michael Langewisch for the photography. The
correct positions are below.
For some reason many people place their right foot too far
back behind the right foot of the uke. Placing it this far back
causes the leg of the tori to block the leg of the uke fairly
high, sometimes even above the uke's kneecap. Setting your foot
up this far back will cause the uke's knee joint to lock up,
make it much more difficult for the tori to throw the uke
[because locking the kneecap makes it difficult to pull the uke
forward so that most of his weight is in front of the tori's
leg] and tremendously increases the risk of injury to both
BTW: This position also makes it very easy for the uke
to counter the tai-otoshi. |
If you are setting the footwork correctly, your toes should
be in line with the uke's toes. Even here my toes are about 1"
too far forward. However, my goal is to block the uke's leg as
close to his ankle as possible, so I'm still in the
"forgiveness" range. I am also on the ball of my right foot, NOT
resting the entire foot on the ground. My foot location allows
me to get most of the uke's weight/body in front of my leg
before I execute the throw. |
This is just another shot of above. Notice that I am
blocking the uke's leg from the side. As I pull him forward &
his body is pulled in front of my leg, his lower leg will
actually go around the side of the back of my leg so that the
front of his leg will be against the back of my leg [at my foot]
as the throw is executed. |
Notice the foot position of each of my feet. My right foot
is parallel to his right foot. My left foot is pointing in the
direction the uke is facing [which means I'm facing the same
way] and 90° [right angle]
to the line between both of the uke's feet. If you've read my
Advanced JuJitsu book you'll also realize that the Y-axis of the
uke will come down through the juncture of the two lines in this
picture. |
I am now set to throw Denny, my uke.
Notice how most of his body is over & in front of my leg. All I
have to do to execute the throw is quickly snap my right heel
down to the ground which will straighten my right leg as I turn
to the left -- no bending over -- pulling Denny to my left at
the same time. All I have to move is his weight from his ankle
down, not his whole body. That makes it an easy snap for my
right leg and a very quick throw as most of the work has already
been done. [Sorry about the artwork in the background. Our dojo
meets in the Community Room at North Oaks Park, Santa
Clarita.] |
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