common mistake made by newer students is to place both thumbs next to each other
when setting up the hand throw [te nage] - shown here - or for the wristlock
takedown [tekubi shioku waza]. The problem with this placement is that the tori
is pushing down at two points, rather than one. As a result he has two
"pivot points" rather than one. |
common error can easily be corrected by placing the right thumb on top of the
left thumb. You can now easily apply twice as much pressure to a single point
[preferably on a nerve point] and make the technique much more effective with a
lot less effort. There are many alternatives to using the right thumb: right
hand, right forearm, etc.] However, whatever other part of your body that you're
also using to press against the tori's hand, it should be pressing on your left
thumb tip for maximum effect. |
second common mistake in setting up either the hand throw [te nage] or wristlock
takedown [tekubi shimi waza] - shown here - is placing all your fingers of both
hands on the inside of the uke's wrist. While you may feel that you have a
stronger grip [which you probably do] all those fingers are in the way of you
bending uke's wrist. |
you think of your fingers as being the fulcrum on the inside of an angle, you'll
quickly realize that having more fingers at the fulcrum makes it more difficult
to bend his wrist. Your ideal goal should be to get just one finger to serve as
the base/fulcum [hard to do]. This will make the technique much easier to
execute and your index fingers will be pointed in the direction of your "ki
flow", an added benefit. |